The trace log is sent. The weird thing is that the problem with memory explosion didn't occur when connecting through the trace proxy!
<br/><br/><br/><br/>On Monday 18 March 2013 at 20:03, Matthias Radestock-3 [via RabbitMQ] wrote:
<br/><div class='shrinkable-quote'><br/>> On 18/03/13 11:29, carlhoerberg wrote:
<br/>> > The same thing even without SSL. Screenhosts of both a user
<br/>> > connection and the node memory status page
<br/>> Can you get us a full 'rabbitmqctl report' when the above is happening?
<br/>> Please send it off-list to [hidden email] (/user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&node=25502&i=0).
<br/>> Also, it would be very helpful to find out what traffic is passing over
<br/>> those connections. Can you insert the tracer
<br/>> (<a href="" target="_top" rel="nofollow" link="external"></a>) in the connection path?
<br/>> Or, failing that, get a wireshark capture?
<br/>> Regards,
<br/>> Matthias.
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