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We are trying to use RabbitMQ in a java application we are working on. The use case is straight forward - 
Upon a business event trigger, we need to execute business process on thousands of rows in the database. So we want to use a
queueing mechanism where the publisher publishes a message for each record that need to be processed (thousands of messages).
We want to process these messages using multiple consumers in parallel.
Based on what I have seen in the samples we will have to run as many instances of worker.java as the number of consumers we
would need. Is this correct? If so what are the best practices in doing the same in java (from a deployment perspective)?
I am also thinking having one worker.java spawning multiple threads and each thread would register with the queue as a different
consumer. Is this possible? If so any pitfalls we need to be aware of?
Any information will be of great help..