Hi guys,<br><br>I've noticed a problem binding/unbind to a header exchange with boolean values using the RabbitMQ Management Plugin. I'm using RabbitMQ 2.7.1, actually I don remember if this was working in 2.5.1.<br>
<br>Basically I can't bind thru the plugin something like in code would be:<br><br><span style="font-family:courier new,monospace">channel.queueBind(queueName, headerExchange '', ['my_field_name': true, 'x-match': 'all']) </span><br>
<br>And also I cannot unbind something with the code above... only by code (java driver).<br>I guess it must something related to string/boolean types missunderstood by the plugin.<br><br>Is a known bug, should I raise a Jira or I'm doing somthing wrong?<br>