Hi,<br><br>-> Is it possible to use both ActiveMQ broker and RabbitMQ broker in the same application/project? I want to send some messages using ActiveMQ/JMS and some using RabbitMQ/AMQP(please don't ask why!!).<br>
I tried using both ..but my application keeps giving a JMS exception .Is it possible for ActiveMQ broker to interact/listen to a RabbitMQ broker and vice-versa(i guess using a bridge of some sort)? if yes,then how do we build the bridge between the two?<br>
<br>->how can we define JAVA beans for connection,template,connection-factory,message-senders,message-listener using XML,so that we need not define connection,connection-factory in every listener/sender we create.? is the following correct way of defining a Rabbit Template:<br>
<br>code-<br><bean id="rabbitTemplate" class="org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.core.RabbitTemplate"/><br> <property>name="connectionFactory" ref="rabbitConnectionFactory"</property><br>
</bean><br><br>Thanks in advance.<br>Ashutosh<br>