<div>Sorry, Simon for the very small problem description.<br>Considering ClientRabbit and ServerRabbit as two rabbitmq servers.<br>On ClientRabbit rabbitmq.config file the federation plugin is configured.<br>eg.<br>{rabbit_federation,</div>
<div> [{exchanges, [[{exchange, "my-exchange"},<br> {virtual_host, "/"},<br> {type, "topic"},<br> {durable, true},<br>
{auto_delete, false},<br> {internal, false},<br> {upstream_set, "my-upstreams"}]<br> ]},<br> {upstream_sets, [{"my-upstreams",<br>
[[{connection, "upstream-server"},<br>          {exchange, "my-upstream-x"},<br>          {max_hops, 2}]<br> ]}<br> ]},<br> {connections, [{"upstream-server",<br> [{host, "ServerRabbit"},<br>
         {protocol, "amqps"},<br>          {port, 5671},<br>          {virtual_host, "/"},<br>          {username, "guest"},<br>          {password, "secret"},<br>
         {mechanism, default},<br>          {prefetch_count, 1000},<br>          {reconnect_delay, 5},<br>          {heartbeat, 1},<br>          {queue_expires, 30000},<br>          {message_ttl, 10000},<br>          ]}<br> ]},<br>
{local_username, "guest"},<br> {local_nodename, "ClientRabbit"}<br> ]</div><div>}<br><br>On both servers the exchanges get created.<br>Is there a way to create the queues and bind them to these exchanges.<br>
<br>Also in the 2.7.9 release note it is stated as;<br>federation plugin:<br>enhancements<br>- allow the queue declared upstream to be mirrored<br><br>? How to declare the queue on ServerRabbit and ClientRabbit, using the rabbitmq.config present on the ClientRabbit. <br>