Release: RabbitMQ 2.6.0 Release Highlights ================== server ------ bug fixes - upgrading from RabbitMQ 2.1.1 to any later release could break if there were durable queues with persistent messages present - on very slow machines, starting rabbit via the supplied init scripts could fail with a timeout - rabbit could fail to stop (when asked to do so) in the presence of some plug-ins (e.g. shovel) - 'ram' nodes in a cluster could consume ever increasing amounts of disk space - the presence of fast consumers on a queue could significantly delay the addition of new consumers - when a client was issuing a tx.commit in one channel, and simultaneously, in another channel, deleted a durable queue with persistent messages involved in that tx, rabbit could terminate with an error - when a client was using both basic.qos and channel.flow, the latter would fail to re-enable message flow - when using 'confirm' mode, the deletion of queues could cause nacks to be issued (incorrectly) - in extremely rare circumstances (never observed in the wild), a queue with a per-queue message ttl could break during sudden changes in rabbit memory usage enhancements - introduce active-active HA, with queues getting mirrored on nodes in a cluster. See - revamp the handling of AMQP's tx (transaction) class and clarify its behaviour See - replace the 'administrator' flag, as used by the management plugin, with a more general 'user tags' mechanism. See - do not require 'configure' permissions for passive queue/exchange declaration - optimise of message delivery on channels with a basic.qos prefetch limit that are consuming from many queues - in 'rabbitmqctl list_channels', do not show the tx mode by default - when a cluster 'degrades' to only containing ram nodes - through 'rabbitmqctl' actions or node failure - display/log a warning. - eliminate some spurious errors from the sasl log java client ----------- enhancements - allow response timeouts to be specified in the {Json}RpcClient - introduce Channel.waitForConfirms() helper method, to make usage of 'confirm' mode more convenient in common cases. - re-introduce default constructor for BasicProperties - cater for multiple listeners in all APIs - eradicate use of impl types in public APIs - make Tracer embeddable .net client ----------- enhancements - return the complete result of a QueueDeclare, rather than just the queue name. - introduce IModel.WaitForConfirms() helper method, to make usage of 'confirm' mode more convenient in common cases. - document 'confirms' in user guide management plugin ----------------- bug fixes - listing/inspecting queues with exclusive consumers would trigger a 500 error - lots of cookies would be created for recording implicit preferences - /api/aliveness-test could return a 500 error instead of 401 - fix off-by-one error in used file descriptor count on some platforms, and gracefully deal with absence of 'lsof' command enhancements - introduce a more advanced permissions model, allowing access to information for monitoring purposes without the user needing to be a rabbit administrator. See - simplify changing the URL; shorter default URL - make the stats collection interval configurable, providing a way to reduce the impact of stats collection on servers with many active connections/channels/queues, and adjust the rate calculation period. See - in a cluster, make the management stats db highly available; it automatically fails over to a different node - get the management stats db to 'catch up' when it is started in a cluster and there are existing nodes with queues etc - report file descriptor counts on more platforms - display message re-delivery rates - show (mochi)web listeners - handle encoding errors gracefully - add an extension mechanisms - plug-ins for the management plug-in. The first of these is rabbitmq-shovel-management which displays status information of the rabbitmq-shovel plugin - add fields for well-known arguments such as message TTL and alternate exchange to queue and exchange forms mochiweb plugin --------------- bug fixes - on slow machines a timeout could occur during startup enhancements - the '*' listener context no longer needs to be specified, thus simplifying configuration auth-backend-ldap plugin ------------------------ enhancements - eliminate "undefined function" warning on startup shovel plugin ------------- enhancements - support guaranteed delivery with 'confirm' mode - support the use of AMQP 0-9-1 methods in configuration STOMP plugin ------------ bug fixes - heartbeats were issued as a 0x0 byte instead of LF (0x0A) enhancements - provide a way to send & subscribe to existing AMQP queues - support temporary/reply queues - support durable subscriptions - set the default prefetch count for /queue destinations to 'unlimited' instead of 1 - optionally allow clients to omit the login & passcode in CONNECT frames, using a configurable default user instead - optionally allow clients to omit the CONNECT frame altogether For more details on all the above see the STOMP plugin documentation at federation plugin ----------------- First release of this plugin, which offers scalable publish / subscribe messaging across WANs and administrative domains. See build and packaging ------------------- bug fixes enhancements - make Windows Start menu entries more easily identifiable/searchable - stop producing the Windows bundle. The Windows installer has matured sufficiently to take its place. - employ the same convention for plugin app source files as rebar - clean up some xref warnings in the plugin build Upgrading ========= To upgrade a non-clustered RabbitMQ from release 2.1.1 or later, simply install the new version. All configuration and persistent message data is retained. To upgrade a clustered RabbitMQ from release 2.1.1 or later, install the new version on all the nodes and follow these instructions: All configuration and persistent message data is retained. To upgrade a non-clustered RabbitMQ from release 2.1.0, first upgrade to 2.1.1 (which retains all data), and then to the current version as described above. To upgrade a clustered RabbitMQ prior to 2.1.1 or a stand-alone broker from releases prior to 2.1.0, if the RabbitMQ installation does not contain any important data then simply install the new version. RabbitMQ will move the existing data to a backup location before creating a fresh, empty database. A warning is recorded in the logs. If your RabbitMQ installation contains important data then we recommend you contact for assistance with the upgrade.