Evening, <br><br>I've been using and adapting the php-amqplib producer/consumer to link systems together. The main change was replacing fsockopen with a stream_socket_client() using the STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT | STREAM_CLIENT_PERSISTENT flag. <br>
<br> Whilst the consumer is fine over non-SSL and running on the command line as per the Readme, it appears to crash on SSL after about an hour or so. The server reports that it is running as does the server, but no messages are being passed to the linked system, rather are queueing up on the server. <br>
<br>Is there a way of closing a listener via a PID or only by connection on the server using rabbitmqctl list_connections? If messages are being queued, is there a way of kicking the queue to see if a connection is accepting or failing and sending any error back? The log suggests a timeout but I'd like to try and figure out where and get the timing exact.<br>
Alternatively, does any body know of a PHP library which I can rebuild the persistent SSL connections quickly for the consumer?<br><br>Thanks in advance for any help and advice received. <br><br>Yours,<br><br>Iain<br><br>