Hi,<br><br>I recently upgraded from RabbitMQ 1.8.1 to 2.3.1 and am running in Mac and Ubuntu enviroments. I have a plugin that uses the amqp_client to access a local queue. With 2.3.1 when shutting down I get the error below, which I never encountered previously. There is no load when the shutdown is happening.<br>
<br>I tried to determine the cause. It appears that it may be something of a race in that when I insert a 500 msec delay in amqp_channels_manger:handle_channel_down/4 I get the initial internal error indication, but no following error report. My plugin is listed before the amqp_client application when I do a 'rabbitmqctl status' so I it should be the first getting a chance to shutdown and close its amqp connection, i.e., before the amqp_client shuts down, but I suppose applications shutdown asynchronously.<br>
<br>Is this a bug or am I violating some RabbitMQ design assumption. Like I said, it wasn't happening with 1.8.1 over the last 10 months of use.<br><br>Lee Kirchhoff<br><br><br>=WARNING REPORT==== 10-Mar-2011::16:19:53 ===<br>
Connection (<0.258.0>) closing: internal error in channel (<0.263.0>): shutdown<br><br>=INFO REPORT==== 10-Mar-2011::16:19:53 ===<br>stopped TCP Listener on <a href=""></a><br><br>
=ERROR REPORT==== 10-Mar-2011::16:19:53 ===<br>** Generic server <0.258.0> terminating <br>** Last message in was {'$gen_cast',channels_terminated}<br>** When Server state == {state,amqp_direct_connection,<br>
{state,'rabbit@Lee-Kirchoffs-MacBook-Pro-9',<br> {user,<<"admin">>,false,<br> rabbit_auth_backend_internal,<br> {internal_user,<<"admin">>,<br>
<<167,250,242,115,130,251,81,144,147,129,52,74,15,<br> 106,4,17,219,130,101,154>>,<br> false}},<br> <<"/right_net">>,<0.261.0>,<br>
{internal_error,541,<<>>}},<br> <0.256.0>,<0.259.0>,<br> {amqp_params,<<"admin">>,<<"71a8B521">>,<br>
<<"/right_net">>,"localhost",5672,<br> 'rabbit@Lee-Kirchoffs-MacBook-Pro-9',0,0,0,none,<br> [#Fun<amqp_auth_mechanisms.plain.3>,<br>
#Fun<amqp_auth_mechanisms.amqplain.3>],<br> []},<br> 0,<br> [{<<"copyright">>,longstr,<br> <<"Copyright (C) 2007-2011 VMware, Inc.">>},<br>
{<<"information">>,longstr,<br> <<"Licensed under the MPL. See <a href="http://www.rabbitmq.com/">http://www.rabbitmq.com/</a>">>},<br>
{<<"platform">>,longstr,<<"Erlang/OTP">>},<br> {<<"product">>,longstr,<<"RabbitMQ">>},<br>
{<<"version">>,longstr,<<"%%VSN%%">>}],<br> #Fun<amqp_connection_sup.1.27217533>,<br> #Fun<amqp_connection_sup.2.105785818>,<br>
{closing,internal_error,<br> {'connection.close',541,<<>>,0,0},<br> none}}<br>** Reason for termination == <br>** {internal_error,541,<<>>}<br>