<div>This is not a classic reply queue setup where only two processes are involved. I have three processes involved here:</div><div><br></div>In one process I've created a "reply queue" with auto_delete true and I bind it to an exchange (using the queue's name as the routing key). I then publish a message and include the reply queue's name in "reply_to" property -- I'm passing the routing key to another process it can use for replying.<div>
<br></div><div>The consumer picks up that message off a queue and then publishes a new message (the "reply") to the reply queue using the routing key provided.</div><div><br></div><div>Finally, in a third process that knows the reply queue's name a "amqp_basic_get" is used to consume from reply queue. This process now has the "reply" message. This is working as expected.</div>
<div><br></div><div>But, when that's all done the queue is still around:</div><div><br></div><div><div>$ sudo rabbitmqctl -q list_queues name messages consumers auto_delete</div><div>amq.gen-tYjOPWR6ZV0crLn5ga5KZg== 0 0 true</div>
<div><br></div><div>So, there's no consumers on the queue, and it's flagged auto_delete. An I misunderstanding how auto_delete works on queues?</div><div><br></div><div>Is the problem that when I created the "amq.gen-tYjOPWR6ZV0crLn5ga5KZg== " queue that there were no consumers so the queue will never get deleted?</div>
<div><br></div><div>Is using "x-expires" the solution?</div><br>-- <br>Bill Moseley<br><a href="mailto:moseley@hank.org" target="_blank">moseley@hank.org</a><br>