% % Config for localhost as shoveling broker % where a I run a simple message producer. % teefuerzweifix is the destination broker % running a simple message consumer. % teefuerzweifix broker running without config % file. % [ % no special rabbitmq config. should have any? {rabbit, []}, % Rabbit shovel config - based upon the README % sample config file {rabbit_shovel, [{shovels, [{my_first_shovel,[ {sources, [{brokers, ["amqp://localhost/" ]}, {declarations, ['queue.declare', {'queue.bind', [{exchange, <<"">>}, {queue, <<>>}]} ]}]}, % I also tried put the IP address, but no candy {destinations, [{broker, "amqp://teefuerzweifix/"}, {declarations, [{'exchange.declare', [{exchange, <<"">>}, % type fanout maybe? {type, <<"direct">>}, durable]} ]}]}, {queue, <<>>}, {auto_ack, false}, {tx_size, 0}, % {publish_fields, [{exchange, <<"">>}, % {routing_key, <<"*">>}]}, {prefetch_count, 10}, {publish_properties, [{delivery_mode, "keep"}]}, {reconnect_delay, 5} ]} ] }] } ]. % vim:syntax=erlang