I hope you do not mind beginner "how would I xxx in amqp1.0" type questions. They are not direct comments on the standard specs, but maybe some of them could eventually lead to the points that could be better explained, so answering them might not be a complete waste of time. (but if you do mind please let me know so that I can stop).<br>
<br>So, as far as I see consumer issues a credits to the link, and if I am reading it correctly, it can stop the delivery of the messages to him that way. Now is there a way (automatic or programmed) for a broker or producer to get rid of the consumer if the number of messages awaiting for him to consume gets to high? Motivation for that would be preventing some ill intended client from DOSing the producer broker by forcing it to store large number of messages.<br>
<br>Thanks!<br><br>davorin rusevljan<br><a href="http://www.cloud208.com/">http://www.cloud208.com/</a><br><br>