Hi..<br><br>My setup is as follows :<br>* 2 RabbitMQ (1.7.0 running on R13B02.1) servers in a cluster (say rabbit@m1, rabbit@m2).. both disk nodes.<br>* 2 Clients (client@m1 connected to rabbit@m1, client@m2 connected to rabbit@m2). I am using the Erlang client (which currently has an issue when connecting to a server which is part of a cluster... this I fixed by setting "insist = true" in the #'connection.open' record)<br>
* both clients have processes that have subscribed to the same durable Queue (Q) using the same key (K). Q is bound to a durable topic exchange (X). X and Q are created on rabbit@m1.<br><br>Now this is what i do.. <br>* I bring down rabbit@m1, and client@m1 (They are co hosted... so both are brought down together). I do a "rabbitmqctl list_queues" on rabbit@m2... I do not see Q there..<br>
* I bring rabbit@m1 up again... After which I see Q when i do a "rabbitmqctl list_queues".<br>* Before I bring up client@m2, I publish a messge to X with a routing key K...<br>Issue : Since client@m2 is up and has a process subscribed to Q, I expect that process to receive the message... It doesnt..<br>
Further more... I notice that when i bring client@m2 back up, It restarts its subscribers... now all messages published to X with K are sent ONLY to client@m2. <br><br>I was wondering if anyone's faced the same problem.. and if so how did u get around it..<br>
Thanx in Advance..<br><br>-Arun<br><br>