Hello,<br><br>I am new to AMQP and RabbitMQ and would appreciate any pointers on how to begin developing with RabbitMQ. I've got RabbitMQ up and running and have successfully executed the com.rabbitmq.examples.TestMain test, but am really lost as to where to begin my exploration of this software. I've looked at the JavaDocs for the client and the packaged examples, but perhaps because I am unfamiliar with AMQP, I can't make heads or tails of where to start.<br>
<br>Ultimately, I'd like to create a publish/subscribe solution with a single producer and multiple consumers. I would like to develop a small prototype that I can use to benchmark some statistics around latency and message size to see if RabbitMQ will suit my development needs.<br>
<br>Any pointers are greatly apprecited.<br><br>Regards,<br>Alex<br>