Hi Guys,<br><br>I am a n00b so please don't hurt me :P I pinged the irc channel yesterday and I was directed to post here.<br><br>I have heard users and realms have been removed from rabbitmq for whatever reason but I didn't want to specifically talk about that. Instead what I'll do is put what I'd like to do up so we can pick it to pieces and see why it's good / bad. I have a feeling I may be thinking about things in the wrong way.<br>
<br>What I wanna do:<br><br>I'd like to setup my service via two virtual hosts. <br>1. Public. People should be able to publish a message to my public exchanges only. They should not be able to create queues, listen to queues, create exchanges. Just publish to a predefined list of exchanges. This is the public area. They should not read queues because other ppls data will be on them, they should not be able to setup their own system on the network and use my resources for their own purposes.<br>
<br>2. Private. When someone publishes a message on the Public virtual host and my worker gets it from the queue, I want to throw it over the fence into the Private virtual host so that I can do the actual work of the service without people getting in an screwing with my system.<br>
<br>What this will allow me to do is to allow people to connect to the messaging network directly to send messages to my service. They don't have to go through a web HTTP interface, nor do I have to focus on providing a scaled HTTP interface. If they can connect to the messaging backbone directly I think it would be the most efficient, and useful way to provide public access to my service.<br>
<br>Now that I've got that out, am I thinking about this the wrong way? Is there any way to do what I'm suggesting? Is it a valid thing to want to do?<br><br>I'm pretty fresh with messaging systems so I'm happy to take advice on how to do this properly. :)<br>
<br>Looking forward to your responses (hopefully) ;-)<br><br>Cheers<br>Daniel<br>