<div dir="ltr">Hi,<br>I was very excited by the recent thread announcing txAMQP! I heart Twisted!<br>I started playing with the <a href="http://www.nabble.com/attachment/19436045/0/txamqp_example.py">txamqp_example.py</a> posted by Esteve, but I'm having trouble getting going.<br>
<br>I'm a rabbitmq newb (having a lot of fun getting started :) and I have experience with Twisted.<br><br>I'm running rabbitmq 1.4.0 with the default database.<br>When running txamqp_example.py, I used these parameters:<br>
hostname = "localhost",<br>port = 5672,<br>vhost = "/",<br>username = "guest",<br>password = "guest", <br>specFile (I tried both amqp.0-8.xml, and 0-9.xml)<br> <br><br>The Problem (there is no error message to show...):<br>
<br>I am fairly certain a connection to the server is made; I get a client object from the ClientFactory, but nothing happens after <br><span style="font-family: courier new,monospace;">client.start(....)</span> is called in the <span style="font-family: courier new,monospace;">gotClient</span> callback.<br>
Looking at the code, I expected to see things printed when messages are received.<br><br>I know the server is fine because I can run other clients successfully. <br><br>Is there any obvious mistake/gotcha that can be quickly pointed out?...especially something particular to this code.<br>
I tried setting the exchange, queue, and routing_key strings to be the same as what I've been trying with my other clients; I'm still a little fuzzy on these, but I thought the actual names didn't matter as long as they are consistent between the producers and consumers using them.<br>
<br>I'm trying to familiarize myself with the usage patterns I've seen across the different client libraries (mostly the java client and the py-amqplib). Any other simple examples using txAMQP would be helpful! <br>
I really want to get this working but I'm lost in uncertainty (I've never wished for an error message so much...this week ;)<br><br>Thanks in advance for an help!<br>-Dorian<br><br><br><br></div>