[rabbitmq-discuss] I am getting an Error while trying to send messages to a queue. "ACCESS_REFUSED - Login was refused using authentication mechanism PLAIN. For details see the broker logfile."

srinivas gsrinivas10 at gmail.com
Mon May 26 08:31:49 BST 2014

      Can u please tell me how to solve this problem. What files do we need 
to change, If we want to use an ip address instead of localhost. 

Thanks in Advance

On Thursday, April 24, 2014 4:40:45 PM UTC+5:30, AMAL G JOSE wrote:
> I have configured rabbitMQ in my laptop and wrote a sender and receiver 
> program.
> It works fine, if I set the *factory.setHost(prop.getProperty("hostname")); 
> *property with* localhost.*
> But when I am giving the ipadress, I am getting an error * "ACCESS_REFUSED 
> - Login was refused using authentication mechanism PLAIN. For details see 
> the broker logfile."*
> I think this is due to some user permissions. Can anyone help me in 
> solving this issue.
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