[rabbitmq-discuss] Queue TTL

Charles Sartori charles.sartori at azion.com
Thu May 22 14:14:34 BST 2014

Do you know if is it a bug and will be fixed in the future versions?

Charles Sartori

Porto Alegre, Brasil + 55 51 3012 3005
Miami, USA + 1 305 704 8816

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2014-05-22 9:41 GMT-03:00 Charles Sartori <charles.sartori at azion.com>:

> Thank you Simon.
> Charles Sartori
> Porto Alegre, Brasil + 55 51 3012 3005
> Miami, USA + 1 305 704 8816
> Quaisquer informações contidas neste e-mail e anexos podem ser
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> 2014-05-22 5:38 GMT-03:00 Simon MacMullen <simon at rabbitmq.com>:
> On 21/05/2014 21:24, charles.sartori at azion.com wrote:
>>> I am trying to set my queue to expire in 3 months, looking at docs[1], I
>>> should set x-expires to 3 months(in milliseconds), Of course, 3months in
>>> miliseconds is to big and I can't do that, I can set expires to max 7
>>> days(in miliseconds).
>> I'm afraid not, it's a known limitation.
>> Cheers, Simon
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