[rabbitmq-discuss] rabbitmq-auth-mechanism-ssl not being presented as an auth_mechanism to clients

Simon MacMullen simon at rabbitmq.com
Thu May 22 09:54:11 BST 2014

On 21/05/2014 21:41, Jeffrey Becker wrote:
> I'm attempting to configure RabbitMQ to use ssl authentication.  The C#
> client is failing with the error
>     No compatible authentication mechanism found - server offered []
> When rabbitmq.config has the settings
>     {auth_mechanisms, ['EXTERNAL']},

Hmm. The response from the C# client is a literal representation of what 
the server sent on the wire. So the server is refusing to use EXTERNAL 
for some reason. Things to check:

* Is the auth_mechanisms part of config in the right place / being read? 
(Check with "rabbitmqctl environment".)

* Does it show up in the registry? (Check management node details page 
under "registry").

* EXTERNAL will refuse to work on non-SSL connections or if there is no 
client certificate presented - this is probably the most likely issue.

Cheers, Simon

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