[rabbitmq-discuss] ssl_not_started using LDAP auth backend

Matthew Duggan matthew.c.duggan at gmail.com
Mon May 19 10:11:01 BST 2014


I was setting up a test instance of RabbitMQ and the first thing I tried 
was to hook it up to a simple LDAP server. I started with a very simple 
config for testing:

  {rabbit, [ {auth_backends, [rabbit_auth_backend_ldap]} ]}, 
    [{user_dn_pattern, "uid=${username},ou=people,o=myorg"}, 
     {use_ssl, true}, 
     {port, 636}, 
     {log, network} ] }

When I tried to connect with this config I got:

LDAP network traffic: Connect: "ldap" failed {error,ssl_not_started}

Not being familiar with Erlang, it took me a long time to work out that 
"ssl_not_started" meant the SSL application inside Erlang was not started, 
because I hadn't specified any ssl ports for the main rabbit config.  The 
simplest fix was to add an ssl listner:

   {auth_backends, [rabbit_auth_backend_ldap]},
   {ssl_listeners, [5671]}

Not sure if this is a bug - maybe the ldap plugin should also try to start 
the ssl application to be sure it's running?.  Either way, I thought I'd 
send it along so the next person has a non-zero number of ghits for this 


- Matthew
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