[rabbitmq-discuss] Core Dump when /proc is not mounted (chroot)

Matthias Radestock matthias at rabbitmq.com
Fri May 2 15:19:29 BST 2014

On 30/04/14 16:43, Yanis Guenane wrote:
> Today I tried to install rabbitmq-server on a debian chroot running on
> fedora and it crashed during package installation.
> This was due to the fact that my chroot did not have its /proc mounted.
> [...]
> I was wondering if this situation could be improved, by checking if
> /proc is mounted else reporting that it should be mounted ?

Rabbit accesses /proc/meminfo to obtain total memory information so it 
can tune its memory monitoring and paging. I've filed a bug to make this 
more robust.

There should have been an error in the rabbit.log and rabbit-sasl.log 
files. Can you post that please? That way we can make sure that it was 
really the /proc/meminfo access that was the issue.



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