[rabbitmq-discuss] Consumer crash, redelivery and prefetch

Matthias Radestock matthias at rabbitmq.com
Tue Mar 18 08:15:06 GMT 2014

On 17/03/14 18:47, Thomas Riccardi wrote:
> I think we will go with manual re-queueing (in the same queue) of
> redelivered messages with a custom "redelivery-count" header manually
> incremented, instead of currently just rejecting them.

That's certainly a viable approach. There are two notable differences 
compared to using reject:

- rejecting re-queues messages in place whereas re-publishing enqueues 
at the back

- extra logic is required to prevent message loss, i.e. depending the 
guarantees required by the application you may want to re-publish in 
confirm mode and wait for confirmation before acknowledging the original 


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