[rabbitmq-discuss] Undocumented "original-expiration" value in "x-death" array header

Thomas Riccardi riccardi at systran.fr
Thu Mar 13 18:08:16 GMT 2014


When using the dead lettering feature the rabbitmq broker (v3.2.4) adds
a "x-death" array header, and its values are documented here:

queue, reason, time, exchange and routing-keys.

However, when using per-message TTL (not per-queue message TTL), there
is an additional string value: "original-expiration", which contains the
expiration property of the original message.

This value probably doesn't appear when no expiration was set in the
original message; so there may be other optional properties of the
original message that are forwarded in the x-death array and not
documented either.

The documentation should be updated to include all of this.


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