[rabbitmq-discuss] No need to log {amqp_error, not_found} during federation exchange.delete

Michael Klishin mklishin at gopivotal.com
Mon Mar 10 08:58:30 GMT 2014

On 10 Mar 2014, at 12:03, Joey Jiao <joey.jiaojg at gmail.com> wrote:

> =ERROR REPORT==== 7-Mar-2014::12:49:24 ===
> connection , channel 2 - soft error:
> {amqp_error,not_found,
> "no exchange 'federation: amq.fanout -> rabbit at baitweb-bd0001-lnx.qualcomm.com A' in vhost '/'",
> 'exchange.delete'}
> I saw many ERROR of above one, I think rabbit_federation_exchange_link:delete_upstream_exchange is the contributor. I don't think it's necessary to log the federation exchange delete error. Instead, we might can add a exchange_exist check before call it?

As of RabbitMQ 3.2, exchange.delete is idempotent (there will be no error when you try to delete an exchange that does not exist).

Please upgrade.


Software Engineer, Pivotal/RabbitMQ

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