[rabbitmq-discuss] Topic authorization and authentication

Michael Klishin mklishin at gopivotal.com
Tue Jul 29 06:27:06 BST 2014

On 29 July 2014 at 09:25:39, Ankur5 C (ankur5.c at tcs.com) wrote:
> > Is there any plan to implement rabbitmq's topic authorization 
> and authentication ? Our requirement is the same as mentioned 
> in :
> https://stormpath.com/blog/lightweight-authentication-and-authorization-for-mqtt-with-stormpath/ 
> Topic based authorization and authentication is required against 
> the MQTT plugin of rabbitmq.

MQTT 3.1.1 (the protocol) does not have a concept of topic authorization.
As soon as it does, we'll look into adding it to RabbitMQ MQTT plugin.

Staff Software Engineer, Pivotal/RabbitMQ

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