[rabbitmq-discuss] badarg in dict, fetch problem on basic.consume_ok (or not)

Олег Росс blake-r at mail.ru
Wed Jan 15 09:59:16 GMT 2014

> Oleg,
> You seem to be using Google Groups, which is a mirror that often falls 
> behind
> the list.
> There were replies to your original post:
> http://markmail.org/thread/rzwbcwtxvrfvc32u#query:+page:1+mid:v4juqnkumlx4rjys+state:results
> MK
> Software Engineer, Pivotal/RabbitMQ

Oh, really. Sorry.

As I'm already wrote - I'm spoof your about badarg error - it is just 
effect after something happen with rabbitmq.

What client(s) are you using?
> The only code path I can see to this error entails pipelining of 
> synchronous commands on a channel, which the AMQP spec forbids.
> Specifically, the error could occur when sending a basic.consume 
> followed by a basic.cancel without waiting for the basic.consume_ok first.
> Which is pretty much impossible in most clients unless there are 
> multiple application threads operating on the same channel, which is 
> usually a bad idea.
> Matthias.

Your right about async execution synchronous commands. I will exporer this 
deeper, but do you think that this wrong sequence may disturb of work 
RabbitMQ server at all?

Clients that we are using is librabbitmq-c for C++ and pika for python. 
Messages translate between them.


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