[rabbitmq-discuss] How to use Presence Exchange Plugin using STOMP and RabbitMQ Server v3.2.1?

Joshua Lim joshua__lim at hotmail.com
Sun Jan 12 15:04:27 GMT 2014

I'm currently using RabbitMQ Server 3.2.1 and installed the latest Presence Exchange Plugin for v3.1.3 downloaded from this link - http://eighty-twenty.org/tech/rabbitmq/binary-plugins.html
What I did:
1. I created a new exchange "presence" of the type "x-presence" using http://localhost:15672/#/exchanges
2. Created a STOMP connection using user name: guest and subscribed to destination:/exchange/presence.   ------------------------------------------D:\RabbitMQ\ncat-portable-5.59BETA1>ncat localhost 61613CONNECTpasscode:guestlogin:guest
^@RECEIPTreceipt-id:001  ---------------------------------------------
3. Created another STOMP connection using the user name: joshua and subscribed to destination:/exchange/presence/joshua
Immediately after that, the guest STOMP connection crashed when I had expect it to receive messages after user joshua has subscribed to "presence" exchange.  
What have I done wrongly?

D:\Data\ClickAndDeploy\AlertingApp\RabbitMQ\ncat-portable-5.59BETA1>ncat localhost 61613CONNECTlogin:joshuapasscode:joshua

4. Meanwhile, here's the copy and paste of the presence exchange screen on the management console.----------------------------------------------------
Exchange: presence
OverviewMessage rates (chart: last minute) (?)
Currently idle
Type	x-presenceParameters	durable:	truePolicy	Message rates breakdownBindingsThis exchange
?To	Routing key	Arguments	amq.gen-4XGYzwGBOoMmRDbXC9izQQ
amq.gen-aBOn5nOt8vZZrOT69jqfJwjoshua	------------------------------------------------------
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