[rabbitmq-discuss] Going crazy solving PRECONDITION_FAILED

cw storm cwstorm at gmail.com
Tue Feb 25 20:45:08 GMT 2014

How?  We're pulling our hair trying to get this resolve.  I don't see how
our app can execute the basicAck more than once considering I only
submitted one message to the queue and the consumer is only consuming that
one message.

We are only seeing this when we have created the second consumer

On Tue, Feb 25, 2014 at 3:09 PM, Michael Klishin <
michael.s.klishin at gmail.com> wrote:

> 2014-02-25 23:44 GMT+04:00 cw storm <cwstorm at gmail.com>:
> So, it's hard to understand how it's "double ack/reject" on the same
>> delivery.
> Your app can call Channel#basicAck more than once with the same delivery
> tag.
> Use protocol tracer to see if that's the case:
> http://www.rabbitmq.com/java-tools.html
> --
> MK
> http://github.com/michaelklishin
> http://twitter.com/michaelklishin
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