[rabbitmq-discuss] eacces error in RabbitMQ when trying to set up federation

Daniel Ashton jdashton at ashtonfam.org
Mon Feb 3 17:26:45 GMT 2014

Question partially answered: I ran "sudo setenforce 0" and suddenly the
exchanges connect to the intended upstream.

So . . . how to give them permission to do this when SELinux is enforcing?

On Mon, Feb 3, 2014 at 12:10 PM, Daniel Ashton <jdashton at ashtonfam.org>wrote:

> Thanks so much for the response, Simon.
> I've tweaked the network configuration, so the IP addresses are
> different.  But the results are the same, whether connecting to the
> upstream or to myself:
> [root at localhost jdashton]# rabbitmqctl eval
> 'gen_tcp:connect("", 5672, []).'
> {error,eacces}
> ...done.
> [root at localhost jdashton]# rabbitmqctl eval
> 'gen_tcp:connect("", 5672, []).'
> {error,eacces}
> ...done.
> *.2 is myself, *.1 is my intended upstream host.
> From the Mac side this works beautifully.  Exchanges are seeing the
> Fedora20 host as their upstream, federation status shows them all as
> running, and the above command gets {ok,#Port<5233.*some_number*>} as the
> response when connecting to *.2 (Fedora) or *.1 (Mac/self).
> Thanks again for your help.  I would love to get this working.
> On Mon, Feb 3, 2014 at 11:18 AM, Simon MacMullen <simon at rabbitmq.com>wrote:
>> I doubt it's a firewall, that should lead to "connection timed out" or
>> "connection refused" type errors.
>> SELinux is maybe a possibility.
>> If you invoke:
>> # rabbitmqctl eval 'gen_tcp:connect("", 5672, []).'
>> on the Fedora host then that will attempt to establish a vanilla TCP
>> connection to the Mac. What response does it give?
>> Cheers, Simon
>> On 03/02/2014 4:01PM, Daniel Ashton wrote:
>>> I see no evidence that it ever reaches the upstream. The upstream's log
>>> files have nothing about being connected to from the Fedora broker.
>>>   That's why I wondered about Fedora (or upstream Mac host, for that
>>> matter) firewalls or SELinux on Fedora.  eacces . . . can that indicate
>>> an SELinux problem?
>>> On Mon, Feb 3, 2014 at 10:57 AM, Simon MacMullen <simon at rabbitmq.com
>>> <mailto:simon at rabbitmq.com>> wrote:
>>>     That's quite odd. 'eacces' is an OS-level error, nothing in RabbitMQ
>>>     should be generating that error for anything AMQPish.
>>>     Is there anything interesting in the logs on the upstream?
>>>     Cheers, Simon
>>>     On 03/02/2014 2:35PM, J. Daniel Ashton wrote:
>>>         I'm trying to prototype federated message queuing between a Mac
>>>         host and
>>>         a Fedora 20 image running under VirtualBox. After a certain
>>>         amount of
>>>         head banging I managed to get the Mac exchanges federated from
>>> the
>>>         Fedora exchanges, meaning that messages sent to the Fedora
>>> upstream
>>>         broker are received on the Mac (downstream) broker.
>>>         However, when trying to go the other way (Fedora sees Mac as
>>>         upstream),
>>>         I get error messages about "eacces".
>>>         |==> rabbit at localhost.log <==
>>>         =WARNING REPORT==== 29-Jan-2014::21:18:11 ===
>>>         Federation exchange 'amq.direct' in vhost '/' did not connect to
>>>         exchange 'amq.direct' in vhost '/' on amqp://
>>>         <>
>>>         {error,eacces}
>>>         ==> rabbit at localhost-sasl.log <==
>>>         =SUPERVISOR REPORT==== 29-Jan-2014::21:18:11 ===
>>>            Supervisor: {<0.15681.0>,
>>>  rabbit_federation_link_sup}
>>>            Context:    child_terminated
>>>            Reason:     {shutdown,restart}
>>>            Offender:   [{pid,<0.21716.0>},
>>>                         {name,
>>>                             {upstream,
>>>                                 [<<"amqp://guest:guest@172.30.__42.19
>>>         <mailto:guest%3Aguest at>">>],
>>>           <<"amq.direct">>,<<"amq.__direct">>,1000,1,1,36000000,
>>>           none,false,'on-confirm',none,<__<"mac_host">>}},
>>>                         {mfargs,
>>>                             {rabbit_federation_exchange___
>>> link,start_link,
>>>                                 [{{upstream,
>>>           [<<"amqp://guest:guest@172.30.__42.19
>>>         <mailto:guest%3Aguest at>">>],
>>>           <<"amq.direct">>,<<"amq.__direct">>,1000,1,1,
>>>           36000000,none,false,'on-__confirm',none,
>>>                                       <<"mac_host">>},
>>>           {resource,<<"/">>,exchange,<<"__amq.direct">>}}]}},
>>>                         {restart_type,{permanent,1}},
>>>                         {shutdown,4294967295},
>>>                         {child_type,worker}]
>>>         |
>>>         My Google-fu is failing me. What may be causing the above error
>>>         (/e.g./
>>>         SELinux?) and how should I go about fixing it?
>>>         BTW, on the theory that it might be the Linux or Mac firewalls,
>>>         I tried
>>>         opening a browser on the Fedora box and requesting
>>>         ||. I got a (tiny) answer in return, so
>>> the
>>>         firewall looks less likely to be the problem.
>>>         _________________________________________________
>>>         rabbitmq-discuss mailing list
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>>> rabbitmq-discuss>
>>>     --
>>>     Simon MacMullen
>>>     RabbitMQ, Pivotal
>>> --
>>> Daniel Ashton      PGP key available http://Daniel.AshtonFam.org
>>> mailto:jdashton at AshtonFam.org <mailto:jdashton at AshtonFam.org>
>>> http://ChamberMusicWeekend.org
>> --
>> Simon MacMullen
>> RabbitMQ, Pivotal
> --
> Daniel Ashton      PGP key available     http://Daniel.AshtonFam.org
> mailto:jdashton at AshtonFam.org         http://ChamberMusicWeekend.org

Daniel Ashton      PGP key available     http://Daniel.AshtonFam.org
mailto:jdashton at AshtonFam.org         http://ChamberMusicWeekend.org
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