[rabbitmq-discuss] Federated queues with durable topic subscriptions over STOMP and ACLs

Nagy, Attila bra at fsn.hu
Fri Apr 18 10:37:36 BST 2014

On 04/18/14 11:22, Michael Klishin wrote:
> On 18 April 2014 at 13:12:36, Nagy, Attila (bra at fsn.hu) wrote:
>>> I can use SSL. I can use federation (by federating stomp-dsub
>> queues).
>> Everything works.
>> Except I can't use durable topics with ACLs.
>> What I could find so far is this post:
>> http://lists.rabbitmq.com/pipermail/rabbitmq-discuss/2011-March/011762.html
>> which states that I should use an exchange, but with that I can't
>> use
>> durable subscriptions.
>> Is this possible somehow with rabbitmq?
>> It seems the only missing piece here is to extend permissions
>> to routing
>> keys.
>> Or is there another way to do this, without topics?
> I’m afraid what Rob said 3 years ago is still true today. You can try to work
> around it using exchange-to-exchange bindings but that is
Will try to understand this, but until that a new question has arisen in 
my mind:
from the STOMP page it seems amq.topic has a special meaning in STOMP, 
the name is what triggers this function:
"For SUBSCRIBE frames, a shared queue is created for each distinct 
subscription ID x destination pair, and bound to the amq.topic exchange 
with routing key <name>. A subscription is created against the queue."

Wouldn't be possible to extend this to take the exchange's type into 
account as well?

I mean, would it work to create a new topic exchange and when I durably 
subscribe to /exchange/myownexchange.routing.key from STOMP, it would be 
treated the same as I would subscribe to a topic durably if that 
exchange is of topic type?

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