[rabbitmq-discuss] ready-only access for users

Matthias Radestock matthias at rabbitmq.com
Thu Apr 17 18:28:33 BST 2014

On 17/04/14 18:21, Tim Watson wrote:
> All the details for setting up permissions are outlined in
> http://www.rabbitmq.com/access-control.html. The additional access
> controls offered for management users are outlined in
> http://www.rabbitmq.com/management.html#permissions. I'm not sure you
> can tweak things to do exactly what you're asking for, but in terms of
> CRUD operations, 'management' users can only delete/close their own
> channels and connections (i.e., those that user established themselves)
> in addition to whatever AMQP permissions you grant them.

A user with with the 'monitoring' tag and no permissions in any vhost 
should provide exactly what OP asked for.


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