[rabbitmq-discuss] Installation Guide for rabbitmq Java client missing

John Davis johnwdavis at gmail.com
Tue Apr 1 16:57:36 BST 2014

If developer is trying to prepare a Windows 7 Pro laptop to run a Java 
client app (which connects to a rabbitmq broker on another Windows server), 
I assume the following:

   - JVM must be installed
   - RabbitMQ Java client must be installed.
   - The distribution package for the app should be on the client server.  

Obviously, the client's Windows machine would need to be an Erlang node.  
Would Erland need to be downloaded and installed prior to installing 
rabbitmq Java client?
Although it is likely fairly simple, I think that an Installation guide for 
Java Client would be a welcome addition to the documentation (similar to 
the installation guide provided for rabbitmq Server).
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