[rabbitmq-discuss] RabbitMQ + MVC4 async

Matt Houser matt at houser.ca
Fri Sep 27 16:43:26 BST 2013

I have a working MVC4 app that uses RabbitMQ RPC to send work items to a 
RabbitMQ queue and waits for the response.

I am using this pattern (only C# instead of Java): 

My question is that MVC4 and .NET 4.5 now support async/await for 
performance improvements.  I would think that while I'm waiting on the 
queue for the RPC response, that the thread could be utilized for other 

Does the RabbitMQ.Client library (
http://www.nuget.org/packages/RabbitMQ.Client/) support async/await?  If 
so, how can I use it?  If it does not support it now, is it in the plans to 
add support later on?

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