[rabbitmq-discuss] Long pauses when closing many channels simultaneously

josh martin.rogan.inc at gmail.com
Thu Sep 26 11:50:31 BST 2013

I have 1 RabbitMQ Connection, 10K publishing Channels, 10K consuming 
Channels and 100 Threads. All channels are in rapid publish/consume "loops" 
using exclusive queues and external synchronization; no possibility of 
publish, consume or close happening simultaneously on a channel. Closing 
channels simultaneously on 100 threads incurs a delay of 2.5 seconds for 
each of the first 100 channels. All subsequent closures are processed in 
less than 0.5 seconds. If I bump it up to 20K+20K channels the initial 100 
each take 5 seconds to close. With 30K+30K each takes 10 seconds, where 
we're pretty much at the channel-max for a connection. Similarly if I 
reduce the number of threads to 50 then it's the first 50 channels that 
close slowly.

Let me restate that... *With 30K+30K channels the first 100 each take 10 
seconds to close using 100 simultaneous threads. The remaining 59,900 each 
take less than 0.5 seconds.* My feeling is that there's some funky 
connection-wide synchronization/continuation going on here. Hit the 
connection up with 100 channel-close requests on 100 threads simultaneously 
and it baulks. Whatever causes that initial spasm doesn't seem to affect 
subsequent close operations and everything swims along nicely.

I've tried ramping up the number of connections to relieve the pressure. 
This certainly works with predictable results. With 30K+30K connections 
spread evenly over 2 connections the initial 100 channel-close delays are 
halved from 10 seconds to 5 seconds. Use 10 connections and the delay is 
imperceptible when compared to the subsequent 59,900 channel closures. Jump 
to 50K+50K channels (we can do this with 10 connections but not 1 
connection due to channel-max) and the delays start to creep back in again.

My concerns with this approach are that 1) multiple connections are 
discouraged in the documentation due to i/o resource overhead and that 2) 
it's not clear for my application how to sensibly predict the optimum 
number of channels per connection. If there is a soft limit to the number 
of channels per connection why is it not documented or made available in 
the api? If I have to manage a number of connections and allocate channels 
across those connections in a robust manner I feel like I'm doing the work 
of a client library!

I've tried my hand at modifying the client library by not waiting for 
channel-close acknowledgements from the RabbitMQ server. This worked like a 
charm. Channels were closed instantly with no delay in the client and 
confirmed as closed on the server. Eight hours later though and I was out 
of heap space as the channel resources internal to the client library were 
not being released. I haven't managed to isolate the source of the delay 
either... is it in the client library or the server itself? To progress 
further I'd need to trace the wire protocol. I think I'm off track with 
this approach!


Before making application changes I'd like to know if this is a known issue 
with the Java client? Are there better workarounds than multiple 
connections and application-level channel management? In practise my actual 
application uses around 20K channels per process, which I don't feel is 
excessive, and message throughput is actually pretty light as I'm 
leveraging RabbitMQ more for it's routing capabilities. if you think the 
number of channels is a problem in itself then please say so! I could 
refactor to use less channels but then I'd be sharing channels and would 
either have to synchronize their usage or ignore documentation guidelines. 
The error handling paradigm makes this cumbersome though; any channel error 
results in it's termination so it's difficult to isolate errors, prevent 
them from permeating across unrelated publishers/consumers and recover in a 
robust manner.


RabbitMQ server 3.1.5, Java amqp-client 3.1.5. Also tried 3.1.4, 3.1.3 in 
the same test harness and seen what I assume to be exactly the same 
behaviour in 3.0 and prior in production application.

My test harness is standalone but a bit obtuse to post here. I create 10K 
test clients each of which creates an exclusive queue and runs a continuous 
publish-consume-publish-consume loop. The publisher and consumer each have 
their own channels. I'm using channel.basicConsume with DefaultConsumers 
and a default consumer executor service. Also used my own Java executor 
service, which appears to be the same as the default implementation, with 
various numbers of threads to no discernible effect.

Messages consumed in handleDelivery spawn a new publish task via a 
java.concurrent fixed thread pool, so the consumer thread is not tied up or 
used in any channel operations whatsoever. The channel-close is 
synchronized so that it cannot happen at the same time as a publish. 
However there's nothing stopping a consume happening while close is being 
processed - the consumer is out of my control.

Thanks for any pointers!
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