[rabbitmq-discuss] Fine-grained LDAP access to resources

James M. jamesmcc at gmail.com
Mon Sep 23 15:18:08 BST 2013

On Mon, Sep 23, 2013 at 3:55 AM, Simon MacMullen <simon at rabbitmq.com> wrote:

> That doesn't exist at the moment, no.
> Hmm, we almost want some equivalent of the JSP-EL there. Oh god, another
> mini-language...

Thanks for the clarification Simon. This feature would be a huge benefit
for us. The way it stands now, if someone wants access isolation within a
vhost, we have to spin up a new vhost and then create shovels if they need
to intercommunicate.

I took a shot at modifying and compiling the ldap plugin and came up with a
seemingly working solution. I'm just getting my feet wet with Erlang but
does this have any glaring issues at first glance? I'm basically adding a
new derived value to the Args list so that when it's sent to fill()
${prefix} is properly expanded.


My follow up question would be, what are the chances of getting something
similar to this added to the official code base?

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