[rabbitmq-discuss] Java Client and Admin

Michael Oullion michael.oullion at norbert-dentressangle.com
Fri Sep 13 16:00:10 BST 2013

We have two questions about the Java API :

   1. We want to check if a specific policy exist and, if necessary create 
   it, and assign it to the right queue.
   Is there a way to do this with the Java client ?
   2. We observe , with a mirrored queue, that if we are not connected to 
   the Master Node ( aka the node which hosted the queue), We have less 
   performance on consuming messages.
   Is it normal? (queue mirrored on 2 node, queue persistent and messages 
   If yes, we want to get the master node of the queue to connect on it.
   Is there a way to get this information with the java client api?

We know that we can realize this 2 "actions" with the REST API but, if it's 
possible I don't want to mix administration of my rabbitmq between java api 
and rest api.

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