[rabbitmq-discuss] Problem when enqueuing with no delay

Pablo Briongos pablo.briongos at ific.uv.es
Wed Sep 11 12:46:27 BST 2013

Hi again,

We are publishing messages in this tight loop just for testing purposes 
and simulate scenarios with several publishers per second.

But I don't understand why this problem is happening with the ampq 
interface, but with stomp interface and the same loop, it doesn't occur:

  while true do
                     client.publish "queue0", 
message,{'amq-msg-type'=>'text', 'type'=>'content',:persistent => true)}

Maybe the stomp interface works in another way different to the amqp one 
(with eventmachine, etc.)



El 11/09/13 13:07, Michael Klishin escribió:
> Pablo Briongos:
>> The Ruby app process makes the crash of the machine as it increases the RAM and SWAP memory very fast to the limit.
> That's expected. With periodic timer set to 0, you have an infinite loop in your app that allocates
> memory (first when you publish, then when a message is delivered). CRuby VM will *not*
> release memory once it's allocated (only reuse it after GC marks it as free). With an infinite
> loop, you allocate faster than GC kicks in and does its work, so at some point OS starts
> swapping, and then you run out of memory.
> Why do you need to publish messages in a tight loop?
>> I can't see any clear messages in log about it. I setted high watermark with:
>> sudo rabbitmqctl set_vm_memory_high_watermark 0.9
> Well, if the Ruby app crashes, RabbitMQ does not know anything about it.
> MK
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