[rabbitmq-discuss] Architectuaral Problem - What exchange type to choose?

Simon MacMullen simon at rabbitmq.com
Mon Oct 28 09:43:50 GMT 2013

On 27/10/2013 11:30AM, Jan Wedel wrote:
> - When D3 wants to broadcast a message, it creates a producer for
> “G1.*.to”
> Now, the first parts ok, the problem may arise when direct message
> sending and broadcasting is involved. Intuitivly, I would be looking
> for an exchange to would support dynamic routing, so that I could use
> the routing keys with wildcards for a message “G1.*.to” which would
> route the message to all “to” queues from all devices in group G1.
> But the bindings and work the other way a round. You must have fixed
> routing keys for a message and wildcards in bindings.

So why don't you get all devices in group G1 to bind with routing key 
"G1.to" in addition to routing key "G1.<devicename>.to"? Then you just 
publish with routing key "G1.to" to send to all of G1.

Cheers, Simon

Simon MacMullen
RabbitMQ, Pivotal

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