[rabbitmq-discuss] body size limit of basic_public?!

Michael Klishin mklishin at gopivotal.com
Thu Oct 24 10:54:43 BST 2013

On 24 Oct 2013, at 09:52, HongXuan Ji <hxuanji at gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm using pika. I'm wondering whether there is any limit of the body data size when doing _channel.basic_publish.
> Because I need to put some picture binary data into the body when doing basic_publish, I want to make sure firstly.
> Do you have any idea?

Large message bodies are framed (common frame size is 128K), you should be able to publish
messages comparable in size to the amount of RAM you have in the client (or on the rabbitmq node, whichever
is lower).

So even RAW images should not be an issue if Pika implements framing correctly (it should).


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