[rabbitmq-discuss] Auto delete Queue disappears while using with direct exchange.

Michael Klishin mklishin at gopivotal.com
Wed Oct 23 10:31:34 BST 2013

On 23 Oct 2013, at 09:26, Rohit Patle <Rohit.Patel2 at techmahindra.com> wrote:

> =ERROR REPORT==== 22-Oct-2013::18:00:21 ===
> connection <0.16445.6>, channel 7000 - soft error:
> {amqp_error,access_refused,"queue 'zb_17_4' in vhost '/' in exclusive use",
>             'basic.consume'}
> Here after this Error log the queue zb_17_4 will disappear from the list, I am wondering why some specific queues are missing? Please help. 

Exclusive queues are deleted when the connection that declared them
is closed.

The exception above suggests another connection tried to use the same queue, it caused 
a channel exception. This *should not* close the connection at fault, so there seems to be
some application recovery logic that closes the connection that declared zb_17_4.

So, it's not auto-deleted queues you see removed but exclusive queues, when their
connections go away.


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