[rabbitmq-discuss] Erlang requirement in RabbitMQ

Michael Klishin mklishin at gopivotal.com
Sat Oct 19 16:17:37 BST 2013

On 19 Oct 2013, at 02:04, ranjitiyer <ranjitiyer at gmail.com> wrote:

> 1. Include the Erlang Installer and run it as part of our product installer.
> 2. Zip up the Erlang dir structure and have the installer Unzip it on the
> customer's machine.

I'd recommend 1 unless it is particularly difficult to do.

Erlang is fairly easy to embed on other OSes, for example, RabbitMQ now has a standalone
OS X version that requires no Erlang runtime installation. Riak has been doing the same
for a while for all OSes they support.

So you may get a much more in depth answer on the Erlang mailing list.
And, quite a few folks there are aware of RabbitMQ ;)


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