[rabbitmq-discuss] Dead letter exchange statistics?

Simon MacMullen simon at rabbitmq.com
Wed Oct 16 17:33:49 BST 2013

On 16/10/13 17:16, Brian Reischl wrote:
> Is that a bug, or is it expected behavior for some reason?

Half way really. The message rates in mgmt are based on raw stats 
emitted by channel processes (yes, even the ones for queues and exchanges).

But dead-lettered messages (and messages from the firehose for that 
matter) are not published via a channel. so message rate stats don't 
show up.

This is something we'd like to fix, but it's one of those things that 
would actually be surprisingly painful, and people only complain about 
it once a year or so :-)

Cheers, Simon

Simon MacMullen
RabbitMQ, Pivotal

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