[rabbitmq-discuss] Messaging queue system for MS CRM 2011 to Klaes

Emile Joubert emile at rabbitmq.com
Wed Oct 16 10:34:56 BST 2013


On 16/10/13 09:51, Leigh Beck wrote:

It should be possible to create adapters for the products you want to
integrate with.

> MS CRM 2011

The relevant SDK appears to support .NET. It should be possible to use
the SDK together with the RabbitMQ .NET or WCF library to exchange
information with the broker.

> and Klaes, which is a window quoting package. Klaes can work importing
> and exporting XML files with the relevant details.

According to one of the glossy brochures there is also an ERP interface.
If you only have XML files as interchange format then it is certainly
possible to use that to exchange information with the broker, e.g. by
polling for changes to the relevant file directory.


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