[rabbitmq-discuss] connection problem. i want reconnection if failed

Abdul Nasir Khayam khayamabdulnasir at gmail.com
Tue Oct 15 13:49:10 BST 2013

My connecction fails to attempt, plz help me how to correct error. see
exception in log file. and code is below.

Log file:

2013-10-15 07:15:26,943 [18] DEBUG adam602.container: AMQP <-- this is an
amqp message published
2013-10-15 07:15:30,041 [18] DEBUG adam602.container: Exception:
SharedQueue closed
A first chance exception of type 'System.IO.EndOfStreamException' occurred
in RabbitMQ.Client.dll
The thread 0xed0 has exited with code 0 (0x0).
The thread 0xb364 has exited with code 0 (0x0).
The thread 0x2ef0 has exited with code 0 (0x0).
The program '[14372] adam602.vshost.exe: Managed' has exited with code 0


using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Messaging;
using RabbitMQ.Client;
using RabbitMQ.Client.Exceptions;
using System.Collections;

namespace adam602
    public delegate void ProcessAmqpMessage(string webcmd, Hashtable

    class dispatchRabbitMq
        protected IModel Model;
        protected IConnection Connection;
        protected string QueueName;
        protected bool isConsuming;

        // used to pass messages back to UI for processing
        public event onReceiveMessage onMessageReceived;

        //internal delegate to run the consuming queue on a seperate thread
        private delegate void ConsumeDelegate();

        //delegate to post to UI thread
        private delegate void showMessageDelegate(string message);

        public ProcessAmqpMessage _processAmqpMessage = null;

        public dispatchRabbitMq()

        public void init()
            QueueName = "testqueue";
            string exchange = "exch";

            ConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new ConnectionFactory();
                connectionFactory.HostName = globals.serverHost;
                connectionFactory.Port = globals.amqpPort;
                connectionFactory.UserName = globals.amqpUser;
                connectionFactory.Password = globals.amqpPass;
                connectionFactory.RequestedHeartbeat = 30;

                //   connectionFactory.Parameters.RequestedHeartbeat = 30;
//if above line not works, then comment that line and uncomment this line

                Connection = connectionFactory.CreateConnection();

                Model = Connection.CreateModel();
                Model.QueueDeclare(QueueName, false, false, false, null);
                Model.QueueBind(QueueName, exchange, "");
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("AMQP.init: " + e.Message);


            this.onMessageReceived += this.parseAmqpData;


        private void StartConsuming()
            isConsuming = true;
            ConsumeDelegate c = new ConsumeDelegate(Consume);
            c.BeginInvoke(null, null);

      // new method for check if connection null then call init() method
again for reconnectig x times

        private void Consume()
            QueueingBasicConsumer consumer = new
            String consumerTag = Model.BasicConsume(QueueName, false,
            //Console.WriteLine("CONSUMER-TAG: |" + consumerTag + "|");
            while (isConsuming)
                    RabbitMQ.Client.Events.BasicDeliverEventArgs e =
                    IBasicProperties props = e.BasicProperties;
                    byte[] body = e.Body;

                    // ... process the message

                    Model.BasicAck(e.DeliveryTag, false);

                catch (OperationInterruptedException ex)
                    // The consumer was removed, either through
                    // channel or connection closure, or through the
                    // action of IModel.BasicCancel().
                    Console.WriteLine("OperationInterruptedException: " +
                catch (Exception exx)
                    Console.WriteLine("Exception: " + exx.Message);


        public void StopConsuming()
            isConsuming = false;
            if (Connection != null)
            if (Model != null)

        public void parseAmqpData(byte[] message)
            string incomingString =
            incomingString = incomingString.Replace("\n", "");
            Console.WriteLine(String.Format("AMQP <-- {0}",

Best Regards

Abdul Nasir Khayam
Software Engineer
Tel : 00923319449551
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