[rabbitmq-discuss] RabbitMQ startup error.

Anand Ramadurg anandlramadurg at gmail.com
Wed Oct 9 18:23:21 BST 2013

Hello RabbitMQ experts,

I am having very strange intermittent issues with RabbitMQ.

I do not have any rabbitmq.env file, it is using the default env
properties. So it uses HOSTNAME as the node name. But sometime it fails with

Error: unable to connect to node 'rabbit at myhostname': nodedown


nodes in question: ['rabbit at myhostname']

hosts, their running nodes and ports:
- myhostname: [{rabbitmqctl21189,48500}]

current node details:
- node name: rabbitmqctl21189 at localhost
- home dir: /var/lib/rabbitmq
- cookie hash: JfYeEGa/XCxy2zvykbLdjB==

Any obvious root cause of this?

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