[rabbitmq-discuss] Per-Connection Queue Creation and Deletion

Tiago Boldt Sousa tiagoboldt at gmail.com
Thu Oct 3 15:43:45 BST 2013


I've been adopting RabbitMQ in a new project. I'll need a clustered 
environment to support system failure and high-demand. On to the problem: 
queues must be created as exclusive whenever a client connects. If the 
client disconnects, I want the queue to be deleted, freeing its resources. 
Furthermore, queue binding to topics must be limited with per-credential 

Concluding, I would like to constraint connection to create only exclusive 
queues (that would auto-delete when the connection closes) and only bind 
such queue to a list of topics I would allow, configured per user account. 

I'm not being able to either limit queue creation to exclusive, nor limit 
the topics a client can subscribe to. I could impose this constraint based 
on VHOSTS, but that would require the dynamic creation of VHOSTS and 
probably hundreds of them. 

Is this possible in RabbitMQ? Is there a better approach to it?

Best regards
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