[rabbitmq-discuss] question about librabbitmq

Alvaro Videla videlalvaro at gmail.com
Tue Oct 1 18:43:55 BST 2013


Would it be possible to have a C library called amqp or amqp_framing or
something like that that only provides the required functions for
encoding/decoding the AMQP protocol? Something like what's on
amqp_framing.c and related files.

That library then could be linked from PHP and create an extension for it.
Then I could use it from my php-amqplib to speed up things.

I think the same could be done from Ruby, Python, and so on.

Each library developer could offer an AMQP client with the API and
idiosyncrasies he/she considers best, but the underlying protocol handling
would be done in C.

What do you think?


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