[rabbitmq-discuss] Subscribing an Exchange with RabbitHub

Lijo Sebastian lijo at citrusinformatics.com
Wed Nov 13 04:29:32 GMT 2013

Oh, so can i specify any url as a callback url and satisfy request verification.
any client url that can do verification on this request right?

Lijo Sebastian
Senior Software Engineer
Citrus Informatics (India) Pvt Ltd.

From: Brett Cameron 
Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2013 2:05 AM
To: Discussions about RabbitMQ 
Subject: Re: [rabbitmq-discuss] Subscribing an Exchange with RabbitHub


The error indicates that your web server at rabbitmq.citrus.com did not respond correctly to the initial challenge request. When a subscription is requested, RabbitHub sends a challenge request (HTTP GET) to the specified URL. The challenge request sends a token and the web server is expected to respond to the challenge request by sending back the same token in the response body. Assuming this process completes successfully the subscription will be activated. Once the subscription has been activated, RabbitHub will send to the subscription URL any messages matching the subscription (note that messages are sent using HTTP POST, not GET).


On Wed, Nov 13, 2013 at 1:43 AM, Lijo Sebastian <lijo at citrusinformatics.com> wrote:

          Please guide me through. 
              I am using RabbitHub plugin for RESTish way of publishing messages.
              Creating and Deleting Exchanges or Queues are working fine. 
              Also able to publish message with http post method to queues subscribed through amqp. 

  But how to achieve subscribe with RabbitHub.

  I tried the example available with RabbitHub tutorial.  Added my call back  url . Got Error.

  What could be the possibilities of the below shown error?

  Thanks in Advance!!!

  Error : 

  Request verification failed: challenge_mismatch* Connection #0 to host rabbitmq
  citrus.com left intact
  * Closing connection #0

  Lijo Sebastian
  Senior Software Engineer
  Citrus Informatics (India) Pvt Ltd.

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