[rabbitmq-discuss] ConfirmSelect() overhead

Matthias Radestock matthias at rabbitmq.com
Thu May 30 18:38:56 BST 2013

On 30/05/13 18:31, Adam Morgan wrote:
> Yeah, I was hoping to ensure guaranteed delivery simply, without caching
> messages for re-publishing, but looks like I’ll have to add a thread and
> cache for doing this.
> Is this the convention?  To cache the message with its sequence #, with
> another thread checking on the cache, attempting republish when Nacks
> received?

There is no one correct answer here. Very much depends on the 
application. In some applications guaranteed message delivery is 
possible without maintaining any 'waiting for confirm' buffers, e.g. if 
any 'lost' messages can be re-created easily from other 
application/system state.


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