[rabbitmq-discuss] rabbmitmq - app hangs while calling login user method...

shivang vyas shivangvyas2008 at gmail.com
Sat May 25 09:55:07 BST 2013

using this library for ios rabbitmq client 
integration: https://github.com/bimawa/librabbitmq-objC

here is an iOS - obj C code: 




    AMQPConnection *connection = [[AMQPConnection alloc] init];

    NSError *error, *error1,*error2,*error3;

    [connection connectToHost:<hostname> onPort:<portno> error:&error] ? 
NSLog(@"Connected to host"):NSLog(@"not connected to host");


    [connection loginAsUser:@"guest" withPasswort:@"guest"

                    onVHost:@"/" error:&error1];


    AMQPChannel *channel = [connection openChannel];

    AMQPExchange * exchange = [[AMQPExchange alloc] initExchangeWithName



    AMQPQueue *queue = [[AMQPQueue alloc] initWithName:@"my_queue" onChannel

    [queue bindToExchange:exchange withKey:@"99999" error:&error3];


    AMQPConsumer *consumer = [[AMQPConsumer alloc] initForQueue:queue 






    AMQPConsumerThread *consumerThread = [[AMQPConsumerThread alloc] 
initWithConsumer:consumer delegate:(id)self nameThread:@"shivng_thread"];

    [consumerThread start];






    NSLog(@"message = %@", theMessage);

    NSLog(@"message.body = %@", theMessage.body);



    NSLog(@"Consumer thread lost connection");


application just got hanged while calling : 

 [connection loginAsUser:@"guest" withPasswort:@"guest"

                    onVHost:@"/" error:&error1];

the reason is, function: 

result = recv(state->sockfd, state->sock_inbound_buffer.bytes,state->
sock_inbound_buffer.len, 0);

doesn't return back, just waiting waiting......

app waiting for executing next other statements after the above line...

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