[rabbitmq-discuss] Version.

Simon MacMullen simon at rabbitmq.com
Thu May 16 17:51:06 BST 2013

On 16/05/13 12:55, krupal patel wrote:
> HI everyone,
> How can i get the RabbitMQ version if the rabbitmq server is stopped . I
> used rabbitmqctl status but it works only when we start the server but
> if i didn't started the server then how can i get the version.Let me
> know if there are any files in which i can get the rabbitmq version.
> *Regards,
> Krupal Patel,

Hmm. Not sure if there's a great way to do this. Track down the 
rabbit.app file and grep for vsn?

$ locate rabbit.app | while read f ; do grep vsn $f ; done

Or if you installed via a package manager, ask it:

$ dpkg -l rabbitmq-server
|/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
||/ Name           Version        Description
ii  rabbitmq-serve 3.1.0-1        AMQP server written in Erlang

But that's probably cheating ;-)

Cheers, Simon

Simon MacMullen
RabbitMQ, Pivotal

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